GTR 2014 Report, National Strategy for Buildings’ Renovation

Key Steps to Transform Spain’s Buildings Sector

  • GTR 2014 Report, National Strategy for Buildings’ Renovation. Key Steps to Transform Spain’s Buildings Sector

    By Albert Cuchi and Peter Sweatman

    This report – the third collaborative work from the Rehabilitation Working Group (GTR – El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Rehabilitación) - deepens the scope of its previous Road Map and Long-term Plan to ensure that the transformation of Spain’s built environment becomes an economic reality.

    2014 is a critical year for Spain, and Europe, for energy efficiency and buildings renovation. The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) mandates Member States to publish a Strategy for Buildings Renovation that encompasses well defined energy efficiency objective. After three years of research and two published reports, the experts forming the Buildings Renovation Working Group (GTR) wishes to support this process by providing their proposed “Renovation Strategy” and keys to transform Spain’s Buildings Sector.

GTR recommends three new instruments to activate the new buildings renovation sector:

  • A Roadmap to connect the different Sector stakeholders to deliver the transformation of Spanish buildings
  • A Rehabilitation Agency to manage and coordinate the state’s Roadmap
  • A National Fund for Buildings Renovation that includes different financing sources and enables and facilitates their availability

One of the relevant features of this report is the assessment of opportunities for rehabilitation in the tertiary sector. The types and energy consumption patterns in the Spanish non-residential sector (offices, shopping centres, hotels, sports centres etc.) have been studied. We believe that investments in non-residential buildings can be repaid in just 10 years as a result of energy savings of 35- 50%, with the highest savings percentages in hospitals and offices.

The report was launched at the Caixa Forum in Madrid on December 12th 2013. It was coordinated by GBCe and Fundación Conama.

We would like to thank the co-sponsors of this report: