By Peter Sweatman and Mauricio Yrivarren
Published in July 2024
The formal adoption of the EPBD in April 2024, calls for the drafting of a Delegated Act for the voluntary uptake of Mortgage Portfolio Standards (MPS). This briefing document identifies key energy efficiency related elements and provides a way to synchronise them under an all-encompassing future-looking MPS. The purpose is to speed up the mass renovation process of EU buildings through the use of the latest EU-funded technologies, and in turn deliver decarbonisation targets and ensure a just transition for all Europeans. These elements include:
Key recommendations include:
Milestones include:
Published on January 8th 2025, the European Banking Authority (EBA) Final Report “Guidelines on the management of environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks” referenced MPS under:
Portfolio alignment methodologies
The EBA should encourage European banks to voluntarily uptake Mortgage Portfolio Standard (given that mortgage portfolios are a material source of climate risk) as part of their strategies to decarbonise their assets and to manage and act upon their ESG risks, and rely on the NZBA portfolio-level tools. European banks would then develop emissions metrics using on PCAF to quantify financed emissions, and finally set targets through SBTi.
ESG risks in credit risk policies and procedures
The EBA should encourage financial institutions to voluntarily adopt Mortgage Portfolio Standards (‘MPS’). For the purpose of valuing collateral the IVSC International Valuation Standards could be referred to as they are applied globally.