GTR´s 2012 Report, A National Perspective on Spain´s Building Sector

Action Plan for a New Housing Sector

  • GTR´s 2012 Report, A National Perspective on Spain´s Building Sector. Action Plan for a New Housing Sector

    By Albert Cuchi and Peter Sweatman

    This report – the second collaborative work from the Rehabilitation Working Group (GTR – El Grupo de Trabajo sobre Rehabilitación) - uses the same methodology and structure GTR developed for Spain in 2011, with two significant improvements:

    1. GTR’s 2012 economic model introduces over eighty new parameters, and significantly deepens the technical and cost analysis in the detailed hotspot intervention menus and their creation as well as better adapting itself to the more specific segmented housing characteristics and considering more external scenarios.
    2. GTR’s 2012 economic model introduces over eighty new parameters, and significantly deepens the technical and cost analysis in the detailed hotspot intervention menus and their creation as well as better adapting itself to the more specific segmented housing characteristics and considering more external scenarios.

In 2012, GTR was also able to more confidently detail the key components of a new legislative, operational and financing framework for a New Housing Sector (“NHS”):

  • To save up to 390,000 million euros in energy efficiency and GHG emission reductions in Spain, by 2050.
  • Deliver an 82% reduction in the CO2 emissions of Spanish homes by 2050 through deep renovation.

In addition, GTR estimates the opportunity cost for Spain by maintaining the high levels of unemployment and inactivity associated with the current inefficient energy model is approximately double the annual investment required to generate the new retrofit jobs described in its proposed Action Plan The report was launched at Conama 12 in Madrid on November 28th 2012. It was coordinated by GBCe and Fundación Conama.

We would like to thank the co-sponsors of this report: